The injection of a pain relieving mix of medications is placed through a flexible plastic tube into the area around inflamed and irritated spinal nerves
An electrode is placed into the target area and heat energy from radio waves is used to numb the structures have become painful and inflamed.
Injection of a pain relieving solution into facet joints can be used to both diagnose where pain is coming from as well as reduce inflammation. Similar injections can be used in other areas.
A guidable plastic tube can be placed into inflamed spinal regions and manoeuvred around nerves and scar tissue. Scar dissolving medication can be injected.
Similar treatments can be used throughout the spine to treat pain occuring at these levels. Cervical facet denervation can reduce both neck pain and headaches.
A small camera can be placed via a plastic catheter into the spine to directly visualise the affected area. This allows for accurate diagnosis and direct treatment.